10 May 2010


I am going to go completely out of my comfort zone and talk about something that I feel very ashamed to talk about. I am having a very difficult time finding motivation to do much of anything these days. It's interesting because I feel that way most of the time when I am really down in the depression, but I haven't necessarily been down like that. I just don't want to do anything around my house, or anything out of the house most times either. We get invited to things with friends or family and I get excited at first, but then when it comes time to get ready, or prepare the food, I just don't want to do it. It's terrible!

But then when I don't get things done I feel worse. I feel terrible when Josh comes home from a long day at work to a dirty house. Then he feels that he needs to be doing more around the house, when it's really me that is slacking on my responsibilities as a homemaker. I don't want him to come home to anything but a loving family and yummy food. (And maybe taking out the trash every now and then :o) )

I used to be a great housekeeper until I had Lena. I don't know what changed. I mean, things are harder with two children as opposed to one, but a lot of other women get a lot more accomplished with a lot more children. I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but it is extremely difficult not to, at least for me. I feel very small and inadequate a lot of the time. I am constantly worrying about whether or not to have more children. I worry that I am just being selfish, and that's why I'm not accomplishing anything that needs to be done. I don't know!

I feel like I might be a better mom to my children if I were to get out of the house and work or go to school or something. But then I feel guilty about even toying with the idea of leaving my children in someone else's care. I feel so selfish.

And on days that I do have motivation, it usually lasts for an hour or so and then dissipates. I feel that I am creative and have talent for some things and could be doing so much more. I feel like I'm wasting these precious years of my family's life by being lazy. Most of all, I feel like I am sleepwalking.

I look at all of you and see all of the things you are doing and the happiness that manifests through your posts. I know that we usually put up our happy face... I'm probably the queen of that... but I can't help but feel that I am just not cutting it.

I just can't seem to escape these feelings. I wish I were stronger! I will feel good for a little while and then slip right back into it. It is so disappointing every time I feel this way again. But when it comes down to it, I know this is something I am going to battle my whole life on this earth. I really should stop complaining about it. So many others have such bigger trials than I do. I really should feel grateful!

Well... I'll finish now. Sometimes I need to use this blog to vent my true feelings. I think it builds up for a while and then all comes tumbling out. Sorry! But do any of you go through times like this? What do you do to overcome it?


Amanda and Miles said...

There have been several times I have felt like that. One big thing that helps me is to make sure I get time to myself without the kids.

Nate + Carlee said...

Ug. I totally know how that feels. For me, I need to make sure I exercise. That really helps me feel motivated throughout the day. Even if it's just a long walk or some yoga, it will really clear your mind and it makes me feel good about myself too. If you want to take a REALLY long walk, just come on over to my house and we can do nothing together!

jordan and maci said...

i so appreciate these candid posts of yours. you are able to articulate so well what so many of us feel! please call me, because i often struggle with these same feelings, and i would love to vent with someone else who understands:)

Andrea N' Mike said...

Maci is right, you really put into words what I think most women feel. When you've got a little baby in the house, it seems that all you can do is sleep walk through life. I feel exactly how you described a lot of the time. It's not easy. I have to do something creative to pull myself out of it, for some reason creating something gives me motivation do more. (Plus it's easier to create in a clean house- so I usually clean and then create, and then of course, clean again). You are not alone, you are just the one brave one to actually express the truth. :)

Jessica said...

Oh Amber you must never feel alone because any mother who says she loves every aspect of motherhood is lying. The fact is sometimes it sucks! All the best things are indeed the hardest. Just plain and simple.

I just recently went through a really rough patch and came to the realization that I have to find joy in the journey and sometimes that journey is filled with tantrums, continues cleaning, sleepless nights and reading and watching the same books and movies over and over again.

What helps me is writing my feelings down, recording the beautiful moments, finding humor in the tough times, confiding in my husband, praying, exercising and getting a little alone "me" time in.

CherryTerry said...

I think because I say things like this so much, it doesn't come across as sincere, perhaps. It's been a while since you posted this, so I don't know if you still feel this way at times, but I look at you and really think you're an amazing woman. You're strong in character, in your dedication to what you believe is right, to your family, the Gospel and you are a strong example to young and older people around you. I don't know if you see the strength in yourself, the strength it takes to admit our low points in life, the strength to face feelings of depression and lack of motivation.... It is hard. But beyond those, you are a happy person, you are a loving mother and wife, you have the gift of being able to talk to so many different kinds of people, you are funny and have an infectious laugh and so many others things.
Aside from all that, ya, I know what it feels like to worry a lot. I actually do everyday, all day :) Some of my greatest worries are that I'm selfish and only think of myself and that I'm going no where in my life.
The things I have found that help me the most in feeling these ways is feeling related to. I talk to some of my closest girlfriends about my insecurities.
I don't know if that helps or not. I know that there are so many people out there who love you, as I'm sure you know.