16 January 2010

Little Things

After class yesterday I was waiting for the bus that takes us cheapies clear out to the free parking lot on UVU campus. As I was walking up to the bus stop, I noticed a girl (woman, rather) walking up as well. I didn't get a good look at her until she came to sit down, but I noticed she was talking to herself a little. As she came closer I noticed that she seemed to be handicapped in some way. As I sat there reading my book, she started talking to the guy on her left. He made polite comments but didn't engage in conversation. Then, the guy on her right (in between me and the girl) started talking to her. He continued to ask her questions about what classes she was taking, where she's from, etc. As the bus pulled up, he asked if she needed help with her bag and proceeded to carry it on for her. He could have stopped there, found a seat on the opposite end and called it good. But he sat right by her and continued their conversation for the entire bus ride. He also helped her with her bag again as she got off at her stop.

I couldn't help but notice how bright she was. She had such a beautiful spirit. She seemed to be happy and confident and was so friendly. The man was so kind to her and she seemed so happy for the attention and conversation.

It was such a small thing but it made my day! I love to witness small acts of kindness, things that no one thinks anyone else notices. I had the thought that I would like to be more like both of these individuals; the girl who was so bright and cheerful and friendly. I would like to reach out and talk to others more. I don't know why I become so shy with people that I don't know. I would also like to be more like the young man; kind enough to engage in conversation with someone that might not have that happen often. He didn't care one bit what others thought of him, or of talking about himself. I do not remember him saying anything about himself at all. He directed the whole conversation to her and seemed to go out of his way to make her feel important. But at the same time, he did not act as though it was a huge thing. It seemed to be in his nature. They both inspired me to want to be a little brighter and to seize the opportunity to share that light whenever I can.


Jessica said...

Thanks for sharing! SO inspirational:)

Anonymous said...

Wait, you're back at school? Who's watching your babies?

Ashley Arnold said...

Wow! That is amazing. You're so right - I want to be more like that guy. Thanks for sharing.