07 April 2010

Update on the Kiddos-Lena

Ok, I've retyped this like four times and cannot figure out how to get it not to be huge, even on the smallest font setting. I've tried re-posting it three times. It won't work! Sorry it's so big!!

Miss Lena Lou
-Is 8 months
-Is getting around pretty well these days. Not quite crawling on hands and knees but getting there
-Loves to have her tongue sticking out
-Has her two bottom teeth
-Is very social and will smile at pretty much anyone
-But doesn't like to be left alone for too long
-Loves to be tickled
-Is a drama queen already and makes a big deal out of little things. She can already produce big crocodile tears a the drop of a hat.
-Loves to laugh and will sometimes laugh just by me looking at her
-Loves her big brother, even though he's not the nicest sometimes
-Is eating baby food and some soft foods from mommy's plate
-Is a great sleeper!
-Is losing her chubby thighs... but don't worry, her cheeks are still as chubby as ever
-Is quite the talker... and squealer... and screamer! I'm not kidding, it's loud! I don't quite know what to do about it because she's just so happy!
-Loves music
-Is finally growing hair in her bald spot on the back of her head
-Really only cries when she's tired or hurt
-Loves attention
-Loves mommy more than anyone! :o)
-And is pretty much the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Seriously! I sometimes can't believe it!

1 comment:

Nate + Carlee said...

STOP SHOUTING! Just kidding! You have about the cutest kids I've ever seen! AND I LOVE your "cleansing" thing that you're doing. I have been trying to live by the "eat things with the fewest ingredients" rule, but I would love to do what you're doing. Maybe I will have to borrow those books from you sometime? We definitely need to get together so you can teach me! I always hate some of the other "cleansing" ideas because they are usually short term, and there are no real "recipes" so you can feed your family. Thanks for sharing! (and sorry this is so long!)